This is a portable version of the original HRV and Resonant Frequency Unit used in scores of studies by Dr. Richard Gerirtz and Paul Lehrer.
This unit features a Simple HRV Optimal Breathing Trainer, a HR Wave Resonant Frequency determination technique, and a programmable breathing pacer. For users demanding more visual stimulation, an optional photofill game freezes on inhale and flows on exhale.
This unit features gel-free ECG wrist-to-wrist electrodes. Electrode integritiy is continuously monitored, assuring true signals. A special circuit continuously monitors heart rate on a beat-to-beat basis, and corrects for momentary outllier fluxuations.
GP8-ECG Physiolab GP8 heart rate variability and respiration training system
with all items listed in ECG Kit. Includes the GP-5u respiration belt

There are two versions of a simple program using only the ECG.
hrv00 HRV Trainer: HR only*
- Hardware: ECG only.
- USES: As a take-home unit for easy setup and minimum wires.
hrv01 HRV Trainer:[HR+RespEMG]
-Hardware: ECG only.
USES: Includes a special 'splitter' circuit' allowing both ECG and EMG. When completely relaxed, EMG is activated only by accessory muscles of respiration. It is a great way of assuring total body relaxation.
There is a more complex program using the ECG, plus one with Tempurature.
hrv02 HRV Trainer:[HR+RespEMG]+Temp*
-Hardware: ECG plus Temperature sensor.
- USES: Adds hand warming training to EMG relaxation and HRV.
This is the core program, using the ECG for HRV, plus Respiration.
hrv03 HRV Trainer:[HR]+RespBelt*
-Hardware: ECG plus Respiration sensor.
- USES: Adds true breathing training to EMG relaxation and HRV.
There are two versions using the ECG and Tempurature,and Respiration.
hrv04 HRV Trainer:[HR+RespEMG]+Resp+Tmp*
-Hardware: ECG plus Temperature and Respiration sensors.
-USES: Allows total flexibility in training basic biofeedback signals: HRV, EMG, Temperature and Respiration.
hrv05 HRV TRAINER-Resp+Temp -Gevirtz
-Hardware: ECG plus Tempurature and Respiration sensors.
-USES: Allows total flexibility in training basic biofeedback signals.
An alternative feedback system used by students of Dr. Gevirtz, Alliant U.
There are three versions of a special program using ECG. PPG, and Respiration.
hrv06 HRV Trainer:HR+RespBelt+PPG Amp*
-Hardware: ECG plus PPG and Respiration sensors.
-USES: Adds finger pulse, and pulse wave amplitude.
For direct vasodialation training.
hrv07 HRV Trainer:HR+RespBelt+PPGpulse*
-Hardware: ECG plus PPG and Respiration sensors.
-USES: Adds finger pulse, and pulse wave amplitude.
Also for direct vasodialation training. Different graphics.
hrv08 HRV Trainer:HR+RespBelt+PTT
-Hardware: ECG plus PPG and Respiration sensors.
USES: For direct peak pulse transit time training.
NOTE: All this software is free for downloading. When you are ready to add additional Temperature, or PPG sensors, the software is already installed. Just click to activate.
There are several versions of the software, designed around the needs of our many customers.
Don't worry about making the right choice. The simple and the more complex software come pre-installed. Select what you need, based on the extra sensors you purchase.
Each has a program code , like hrv 001.
The numbers count upwards, indicating a progressively more complex set of signals. Selections hrv02, and hrv04 to hrv08 require the purchase of additional sensors.
All ECG HRV Varients are availble for download.............